Kintyre Way Ultra Marathon (36 miles)

I am lost to the actualities that surround me, and my whole being expands into the infinite; earth and air, nature and art, all swell up into eternity, and the only sensible impression left is, “that I am nothing!” Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Lecture 2, 219 You hear people say that ultra running changes you. My first ultra was awesome and introduced me to the intense connection with the natural world that comes from running through it for several hours. It stills the mind and settles the soul, but I didn’t feel like I emerged a different person. The second one broke me into tiny pieces and showed me I was braver - or stupider - than I thought. The relaxed start of the Kintyre Way (to my left Stan Topalian who broke the men's CR, far right William Robertson - the other vegan in the top 4!) The Kintyre Way is a tough ultra. I knew that. I had seen the course profile and read a couple of blogs. So bearing this in mind I approached the first 1,000ft climb at a suicidal pa...