The Speyside Way Ultra

I don't think I've ever had so much fun running as I did racing the Speyside Way Ultra. All photos from the Race Committee & Marshalls I drove up to Buckie on Thursday afternoon via Montrose (long story short: it was the nearest pharmacy stocking the mast cell stabilisers I need to run (I have mastocytosis), and I am hugely grateful to the St Andrews Boots pharmacists who found them!). It rained the entire way and was still raining when I eventually made it to Buckie. The forecast was clear for race day but my faith in the met office has been tested one too many times (I'm thinking of ending the relationship as I just can't take any more of the lies). With the already knee-deep water across the path at Aberlour, torrential rain wasn't really something to cheer about. The Rosemount Guesthouse was very comfortable though and the sea view from my room was great once the rain finally cleared! I would definitely recommend it - and early booking - it you...