Ceres 8

Ceres 8 is an eight-mile race with 545 feet of elevation. Most of the elevation comes in the first two miles... I hadn't run this before so asked Ron how to race it. He told me it was a tough one because you couldn't afford to overcook the first part but also couldn't afford to get left behind on the first climb. I think the bit about not getting left behind was me-specific. I'm not good at hills, at least not the going up part. The weather was pretty much perfect for an evening race: 18℃, a light westerly wind and 64% humidity. Yes, my numbers obsession is getting worse. We had run 2 hrs 45 minutes on the Sunday and my Monday fartlek had been pretty sluggish (7.35 miles in 60 minutes) so I made sure to get in at least 1500 calories during the day. My morning 20 minutes was incredibly slow... The race started on the village green before heading out the back of Ceres and onto the long, long drag up to the two-mile point. Nicola Duncan disappeared ahead ve...