Have excuse, do it anyway. 1: Becka

I won't say the last few months have been easy... However I have been lucky to have people around me who have thrown inspiration my way just by getting on and doing what they do. People who have 'excuses' not to exercise but who have taken responsibility for their own health and done it anyway. This is the first of a series of posts about those people. If you're looking for excuses not to exercise, look away now! If you're looking for inspiration I present you with my secret stash :) Becka in her own words: When you find yourself in a situation that impedes your health, be it a serious disease or a long-term medical condition, it is easy to succumb to the opinions of the general public. “Poor you”, “you should not do this”, "you cannot do that”, “Don’t travel there”, "Don’t eat that”. However, it is important to learn to listen to your own body (in combination with a sound, knowledgeable physician). I went through a double ...