The best of chances for a happy change
There is in the worst of fortune the best of chances for a happy change - Euripides Ἰφιγένεια ἐν Ταύροις It is so easy to curse one's lot, to only see the dark in the crueler twists of Fate. But the course of life flows like a river carrying its bobbing human cargo from one landing to the next. A bump along the way can send you spinning at odds with the direction you had plotted for your life. The detritus that struck me was Mastocytosis, a disease of the blood, the skin and, potentially, every other organ. In Mastocytosis exercise risks mast cell degranulation and patients are advised to avoid it. I've ignored this advice and completely changed my life to allow exercise back in. I've built a metaphorical raft and taken control as best I can and Fortune has responded by offering up an opportunity to show that Mastocytosis doesn't mean you cannot exercise, cannot get on with your life and - even more importantly - this opportunity gives me the chance to raise funds...