Forerunner 620: First Thoughts

I was so ridiculously overexcited about getting my paws on this gadget of gadgets. I'm the kind of runner who loves nothing more than analysing her run to within an inch of its life. So far this has involved pace, elevation, distance, time and heart rate. I would look (in disappointed annoyance) at the declining pace as the ground tilted skywards and sigh. If only I could see why I was so bad at going up hills compared to my training buddies… Then came the Forerunner 620 and its running dynamics. Now I could analyse what I was actually doing when the ground stopped being conveniently flat. Unfortunately it looks like my running dynamics actually improve when I go uphill… The running dynamics measured by the Forerunner 620 include: Vertical oscillation: how much you go up and down Cadence: how many steps you take per minute Ground contact time: how long your foot is on the ground The watch also calculates your recovery time and VO2 max (and from that your predicted race ti...