
Showing posts from January, 2013

New Year New Runner

I went a year without running. It hurt. On 5th June 2012 I found out that I didn't have chronic fatigue, I have mastocytosis. It's incurable but probably won't bump me off any time soon. Mastocytosis means that I have too many mast cells and mast cells are the bruisers of the body. A few are really useful (like night club bouncers), too many and they develop mob rule. When mast cells degranulate they release all kinds of nasties into the body: Preformed mediators (from the granules): serine proteases, such as tryptase histamine (2-5 pg/cell) serotonin proteoglycans, mainly heparin (active as anticoagulant) Newly formed lipid mediators (eicosanoids): thromboxane prostaglandin D2 leukotriene C4 platelet-activating factor cytokines Eosinophil chemotactic factor A consequence of this can be a severe allergic reaction. Degranulation can be caused by several things, one of which is running. For other symptoms read through my more recent blog posts! I had been putting the...